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Score games - Rules

Welcome to the highscore games! This section will allow you to play games which save your scores. This way you will be able to challenge other GamingCloud members in a non stop points race.

Accessibility of this section

Only the members of the site will have access to this section. Registration is free and simple ; you only need to go to the registration page to create an account. It will allow you to save your scores and thus, to be ranked among all GamingClouds members

The highscore games

All games on the website are not highscore games. Only a few of them allow you to save your score. You will find all the games on this page: Score games

Saving your score

The scores will be saved automatically while you play at the games. At the right of the game ist a score box which displays the leaderboard for this game. Your score is displayed in real time at the bottom of this boxAt the bottom of this box. If it doesn't match with the real score you have in the game, you should wait a little: scores are saved every 10 seconds.

The score doesn't change

If the score doesn't change, than it has not been saved as it should. You have to check that:
- your internet connection is still active ;
- you are still logged on GamingCloud ;
- you are not in the middle of the game but on a Game-Over or Menu screen.


Each time that you will get into the top 100 scores of a game, you will accumulate points for the Ranking.

Here is a summary of the points you can get depending on your rank at a game.

1st > 300 points 2nd > 295 points 3rd > 290 points
4th > 285 points 5th > 280 points 6th > 275 points
7th > 270 points 8th > 265 points 9th > 260 points
10th > 255 points 11th > 250 points 12th > 245 points
13th > 240 points 14th > 235 points 15th > 230 points
16th > 225 points 17th > 220 points 18th > 215 points
19th > 210 points 20th > 205 points 21st > 200 points
22th > 196 points 23th > 192 points 24th > 188 points
25th > 184 points 26th > 180 points 27th > 176 points
28th > 172 points 29th > 168 points 30th > 164 points
31th > 160 points 32th > 156 points 33th > 152 points
34th > 148 points 35th > 144 points 36th > 140 points
37th > 136 points 38th > 132 points 39th > 128 points
40th > 124 points 41th > 120 points 42th > 117 points
43th > 114 points 44th > 111 points 45th > 108 points
46th > 105 points 47th > 102 points 48th > 99 points
49th > 96 points 50th > 93 points 51th > 90 points
52th > 87 points 53th > 84 points 54th > 81 points
55th > 78 points 56th > 75 points 57th > 72 points
58th > 69 points 59th > 66 points 60th > 63 points
61th > 60 points 62th > 58 points 63th > 56 points
64th > 54 points 65th > 52 points 66th > 50 points
67th > 48 points 68th > 46 points 69th > 44 points
70th > 42 points 71th > 40 points 72th > 38 points
73th > 36 points 74th > 34 points 75th > 32 points
76th > 30 points 77th > 28 points 78th > 26 points
79th > 24 points 80th > 22 points 81th > 20 points
82th > 19 points 83th > 18 points 84th > 17 points
85th > 16 points 86th > 15 points 87th > 14 points
88th > 13 points 89th > 12 points 90th > 11 points
91th > 10 points 92th > 9 points 93th > 8 points
94th > 7 points 95th > 6 points 96th > 5 points
97th > 4 points 98th > 3 points 99th > 2 points
100th > 1point

All points are calculated each hour.

For example:
Steakus is 1st at the Game A : he gets 300pts;
Steakus is 10th at the Game B : he gets 255pts;
Steakus is 100th at the Game C : he gets 1pts;
Steakus is 200th at the Game D: he gets nothing;
Steakus will have a total of: 300 + 255 + 1 = 556pts

These points are used to generate a ranking of the players.


There are three different rankings:
- All-time
- Monthly
- Weekly

The points you have in each ranking corresponds to the sum of all points you have for the specified period.

The Titles

The titles are granted to all GamingCloud members who play highscore games. They are granted at the end of each week. The title depends on your All-time points.

Here is the list of the titles you will we able to unlock with the corresponding sum of points:

Rank Title Points needed
1 Supreme Deity 324225
2 Legend 302610
3 Hero 289641
4 Imperator 237765
5 Warlord 190212
6 Warchief 146982
7 Crusader 108075
8 Paladin 73491
9 Knight 56199
10 Swashbuckler 43230
11 Mercenary 30261
12 Tactician 21615
13 Sentinel 15131
14 Guardian 8646
15 Infantryman 4323
16 Soldier 2162
17 Scout 865
18 Recruit 432
19 Apprentice 216
20 New 1

Notice: the titles are linked to your amount of points. Every time a new score game appears on the website, the list above is modified. We advise you to check it regularly and to play a lot of score games in order to keep your rank. A lot of games are added every week, so please stay tuned!
