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kelwolfen « Sentinel » kelwolfen

kelwolfen's best scores

ParabirdsParabirds 3 132
Flow OrbFlow Orb 4 260
Santa BlastSanta Blast 4 580
Greedy GhoulsGreedy Ghouls 4 22
Xonix 3d - Levels packXonix 3d - Levels pack 4 55,152
Insect OnslaughtInsect Onslaught 4 214
Horror MolesHorror Moles 4 1,278
Jumping BoxJumping Box 4 121,715
OctopostOctopost 4 3,784
Shoot The SnakeShoot The Snake 5 4,426
Be JumperBe Jumper 5 2,477
Icy Gifts 2Icy Gifts 2 6 49,790
Release The Mooks 3Release The Mooks 3 6 695
Chuck the SheepChuck the Sheep 6 719
Toss the TurtleToss the Turtle 7 4,247
Deep Trip 2Deep Trip 2 9 918
BedazzledBedazzled 9 290,400
Ride em RigbyRide em Rigby 34 100
Adventure Time - Jumping FinnAdventure Time - Jumping Finn 46 894