In Bear vs Humans, you take on the role of a bear determined to restore the tranquility of the forest by hunting down human intruders. At the controls of a magic log on wheels, accompanied by your faithful squirrels, you must destroy tent camps, neutralize construction machinery and disperse noisy tourists. This game offers a unique experience combining relaxation, with the soothing sound of birdsong, and action, as you repel invaders with your mighty roar. Travel randomly generated trails, avoid traps, collect mushrooms with a variety of effects and upgrade your vehicle to meet ever more exciting challenges. Each level brings you closer to the peace so coveted for your natural habitat. Enjoy!
Use the WASD or arrow keys to move, the spacebar to brake, E to throw a squirrel, Shift for acceleration, Z to roar, X for healing and C for acceleration of squirrels.
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