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535 plays
  • About the game


  • Author: MisterWizard01
  • Category: Shoot'em up
  • Rating: 3.25

You have been sent into space with your spaceship to eliminate an imminent threat. Use your weapons to annihilate all the aliens heading towards Earth and thus protect all living beings. As you progress, you will be able to increase your power which will affect the firing of your main weapon. To do this, collect the bonuses left by your enemies after being destroyed. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, do not hesitate to fire a missile that will explode and damage many enemies. You will receive a bonus missile for every 10,000 points. Be careful to avoid getting into too dangerous situations, you only have 3 lives. In case of failure, you will have to start over from the beginning of the game. To complete your mission, you will face a total of 9 enemy waves before fighting against the powerful final boss. All this will surely remind you of the good old arcade games, long live the nostalgia. Can you survive the ferocious enemy attacks? Enjoy!



Use the arrow keys to move, Z/C/N to fire machine guns and X/V/M to fire missiles.

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