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Sniper - City Strike

93 plays
  • About the game


  • Author: FPDA
  • Category: Shoot'em up
  • Rating: 3.25

Discover the challenges of an urban sniper and test your precision shooting skills. You take on the role of a sniper tasked with a variety of missions in a sprawling metropolis. The game involves carefully choosing your position, assessing shooting conditions and eliminating strategic targets with unfailing precision. Select from a wide range of sniper rifles, each offering unique features, to tailor your arsenal to each mission. Upgrade your equipment to perfect your shooting skills and unlock new, more demanding missions. Put your skill and strategy to the test to dominate long-distance shooting challenges - enjoy!

Sniper - City Strike


Use the mouse to aim, shoot and zoom in / out, press R to reload and Tab to pause the game.

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